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[ Vera Volkov                                              ]

DivisionEnlistment DateBloodDoB
Ravens17th of the Third Umbral Moon, 1578Type O+REDACTED

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[ Vera Volkov                                              ]

IName:I Vera Volkov
IHeight:I 6 Fulm, 6 Ilms (6'6")
IRace:I Augmented Xaela
IGender:I Female Identifying (Intersex)
INationality:I Bozjan
ISexuality:I Bisexual
IMarital Status:I Taken - Poly
IPilot Rating:I S Rank
IVoice:I Devora Wilde - Nearl from Arknights
IRank:I Pyr - Tesserarius


Files containing augmented pilot R-006's begin at her enlistment.17th of the Third Umbral Moon, 1578
The subjects family shows no signs of blood relations, leaving the current speculation to be that her blood relatives were likely refugees fleeing from the Steppe, however there is no substantial evidence to prove the assumption true. As far as the examiners are concerned, the subject is Bozjan by right.
9th of the Fifth Umbral Moon, 1578
The Chief Medicus filed for the subjects immediate testing and after months of surgeries and testing, we found the subject ready to test pilot one of the new prototype weapons.
14th of the Fifth Umbral Moon, 1578
The test was a success, the new weapon will be mass produced and put into service in mere months. As for the subject R-006, she proved surprisingly well. Her piloting aptitude seems to outrank the rest of the batch and even a few of our Legati.


3rd of the Fourth Astral Moon, 1585Subject R-006, Vera Quo Volkov, has been deployed upon the Ghimlyt Dark. Her progress these last three years has been truly inspiring, however for a savage to acquire a weapon of her own and defile it with a crude paintjob is truly nerve wracking. Here is to hoping Julia and Annia won't have need of the beast.19th of the Fifth Astral Moon, 1585Subject R-006, Vera Volkov is to hence forth be labeled a deserter as well as kill on sight. The subject has stolen: 1. Garlean mobile weapon, 4. military grade mobile weapon arms, and lastly a large surplus of ammunition for said arms. Lastly the subject sent her unit to the grave, accounting all of her deeds, we have set a bounty of 600 Allagan platinum piece's upon the subjects head as well as the recovery of Empire weaponry.


End of data transfer.

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[      Twisted Tempo      ]

Unit's Coat of Arms


Subject R-006's own personal weapon, given the designation, "Twisted Tempo" due to the subjects own piloting skills. A fight against her may start slow and methodic only to be twisted and changed to a fast thoughtless brawl.The unit specializes in melee combat, utilizing its needle missiles to stagger while its automated pistol rapid fires a volley of bullets at its target. With the right opening, unit R-006 is capable of cutting into their opponent with ease, separating whatever might have the misfortune of facing off against them, into several pieces with the trusty magitek blade mounted on the left arm.The unit's only mid to long ranged weapon is the large magitek cannon mounted on its shoulder. The weapon is capable of being fired off three to four times before overheating. It may also be charged for a much more lethal blow, the destructive capabilities still unknown, however in the weapons prototype phase, it was able to level a mountain.

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Hello! Thanks for taking a look through, hopefully the carrd has been interesting, regardless, I just wanted to take a moment to lay down some pretty basic rules.First off, the writer is 25 and as such I would ask that anyone under the age of 18 please don't interact with me, not interested in hanging around minors and additionally, I prefer honestly interacting with people 21+. They just tend to have their heads screwed on a bit straighter.Second! IC≠OOC, I really hope I don't need to explain this part.As for Vera, I've jam packed a number of things into her character. A little Armored Core, a little Resident Evil, there's just a lotta little things I've added. Nevertheless, I have done my best to justify these things in lore friendly ways!Last but not least, I do RP Vera as poly, as I do enjoy shipping with my partner <3

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Layla Volkov
Lover - Bonded 05/19/2024

Threnody Fang

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Conscript: Put into service on the, 21st of the Third Umbral Moon, 1579. Vera Volkov a Bozjan born native was given the rank of Legionarius, serving as a pilot for experimental weapons on the Bozjan Southern Front. In the years following she only rose further until her sudden betrayal.

The Raven Project: A previously secretive Garlean project meant to both find soldiers that excelled in certain areas as well as find test subjects for new weapons being developed by The Empire. Those that survived the tests and training went on to be known as Ravens. The numbers ranged far and wide, however most data on the existing Ravens has been scrubbed or fragmented.

Gambler: Why are the pockets of this merc always so empty? Is it perhaps because of her time spent in the gold saucer? Perhaps debts made via shady underground bar gambling. Or is it simply just the addiction of betting it all to try and get more, to dig herself free of her selfmade burdens.

The Weapon Pilot: While there are plenty of airship pilots known around in the merc scene, Vera stands out as one of the few 'mech' pilots, more so one of the few Ace's out there.